Hi guys, finally got confirmation last night that the 2nd place player at least has confirmed that he will be making the trip, so I will not be going to Netherlands. Since I will not be there, I can finally release the decklist. So for those who are interested, click on!
Deck: Machina Karakuri (No, it is not KMP, since it only has 2 Bulbs, nothing else. Build is very different anyway)
Monster [22]
[3] Machina Gearframe
[3] Machina Fortress
[1] Machina Cannon
[3] Karakuri Soldier 236
[2] Karakuri Ninja 919
[2] Karakuri Strategist 248
[2] Karakuri Komachi 224
[1] Karakuri Guard 313
[2] Grow-up Bulb
[2] Effect Veiler
[1] Unknown Synchron
Magic [13]
[1] Monster Reborn
[1] Giant Truande
[1] Foolish Burial
[1] One For One
[1] De-Synchro
[1] Limiter Removal
[1] Mind Control
[1] Book of Moon
[2] Pot of Avarice
[3] Pot of Duality
Trap [5]
[1] Solemn Judgement
[1] Royal Oppression
[3] Trap Stun
Extra Deck [15]
[1] Aspiring Emperor Hope
[1] Mainspring Armored ZenMeister
[1] Empty Space Sea Serpent Levaiel
[1] Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
[1] AOJ Catastor
[1] Brionac
[1] Black Rose Dragon
[1] Scrap Dragon
[1] Trishula
[3] Karakuri Shogun Burei
[3] Karakuri Steel Shogun Bureido
Comparing to the previous build with the Kikou element, it is basically about the same build, with just more focus on stability and to set up the double/triple Bureido combos by the 1st or 2nd turn. The only disadvantage is that I often end up drawing Dualitys after setting up the triple Bureidos which do not provide as much rewards since I cant use them straight away. However, the Dualities also allow quicker access to Avarice the following turn even if the 3 Bureidos are destroyed by any method, so it is really more focused on stability. For info of the Bureido combos, click here and here.
Lastly for the last addition of Mind Control, with Exceeds around, Mind Control functions as a method to clear the opponent field, removal dangerous monsters, clearing of various advantage givers such as Dandylion and Sangan, so in it goes.
With all that in mind, the deck does not have much space left for defenses, and I needed a 1 card solution that solves most problems in my meta. Between the choice of Torrential Tribute and Royal Oppression, I decided on Royal Oppression, since it would solve my problems, while letting me maintain my field should I draw it after my triple Bureido draw. My decision served me well, since it did shut down alot of my opponent's cards, and yet did not hinder my own deck with the triple Trap Stun mained. Even when I sided out the Trap Stuns against Junk Doppel, my opponents had no choice but to destroy Oppression on my behalf, where I had some other form of defense by then, and be ready to flood the field the next turn.
Thats about it for my worlds deck! Glad that I chose this in the end as my qualifiers deck, and it did not let me down. Just wish I drew that Royal Oppression at that very last match, since it would have meant the difference between lose and win. Ah well, better luck next time!
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